
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mlearning Activities 1st semester 2013

This semester I had a plan for myself: I wanted to use technology in a simple way to help my students connect to me, to each other, and to the content we were working with. But, I wanted to do it in a way that would not overload me. I still need to evaluate the results and reflect upon what I have done in class, so I I put a brief checklist together to make sure I am using mobile devices in a way that really engages my learners and boosts their learning processes. Please, feel free to comment and leave your feedback, for we are a learning community which needs to stick together in order to make the most of the technology we have available for our students.

The checklist

The tasks

Using Quotes in the Language Classroom

High - Intermediate
1 device per pair of student
Camera and Phoster

I have never been a good designer, but I do appreciate good design. Nowadays, I appreciate even more the possibility of having great apps that help students create eye-catching posters to make learning objects that they can refer to whenever they want. I was opening a lesson about experiences that teach us lessons in my intermediate adult group, and the opening task had students choose their favorite motivational quotes. I told them to use their own devices, look for a quote they really enjoyed and write their quotes on the board to work on meaning. Students had to negotiate and narrow their lists down to only one quote per group. Then, I handed out one iPad for each pair of students and asked them to create a poster with their favorite quote. It was interesting to observe that they could remember the quotes later on, and that they used the posters to remind them of the quotes throughout the semester.

Room 101

App - Phoster
1 iPad for each group of 3 students

In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, there is a room in which people are put to face their worst fear. My teen students were not really keen on the lesson until I added the digital twist. I asked each student to list 3 things he\she is really scared of. Then, students had to negotiate in groups of three to come down to only one. I handed out the iPads and asked students to create a poster using Phoster  to illustrate their ideas. During the debriefing stage, all students were attentive and participatory.

App to Make Word-Clouds

High Intermediate
App - Cloudart

Many course books ask students to paraphrase what they have heard or read in the book. I find this task really challenging because such input often brings a high amount of words students simply do not know or cannot pronounce well. I downloaded an interesting app that works like my big time favorite word cloud maker wordle. In this activity, I had students underline keywords in a text about Jane Gooddal`s life that could help them paraphrase it. Then, we worked on meaning and pronunciation by having students use their own devices to access dictionaries. I projected the word cloud I made on Wordart while they were working on the vocabulary, and asked students to paraphrase the text, using the words they had chosen. I was impressed by how much awareness was raised, and I was happy to notice that students were taking risks while consciously trying to use new vocabulary items.

Recording Devices as a Self- Assessment tool

High Intermediate
Telling anecdotes
1 recording device per student

I've been asking my adult students to record themselves to help them improve their speaking skill. Many students need to get a clear picture of what aspects they need to work on in order to be a more competent speaker of the language. In addition, adult learners often fear being assessed when trying to communicate because they simply are not aware of what aspects they need to focus on, or which strategies they should use. So, I decided to make it obvious that we were using technology to boost their speaking skill, and I made clear that my feedback would be private, so that they could feel more at ease. We were having a lesson using Summit 2 about stories with a moral in which students are invited to tell a personal anecdote. Our branch received 20 devices to boost learning, so I got one recorder per student and after a quick rehearsal, asked them to go outside and record themselves telling their story (I was lucky to have 10 devices at hand, but this activity could be done with students` own devices).  I asked students to send me the recordings, heard each one and was not very sure how to give feedback, because the amount of work seemed a bit daunting. So,  I decided to make a simple poster to help students visualize where they stand in terms of communicative competence and I got a very positive feedback.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Going to or Will?

Lower intermediate
1 iPad per pair of students
Going to X will

Students were studying the difference between going to and will for predictions when you have strong evidence. I asked students to take a look at the going to sentences in the book and role-play the situation. They recorded it on Educreations. During the debriefing phase, I stopped the video right after the role-play and asked the whole group  what the right answer would be. Then, I showed the correct sentence on the video for them to check.

Best Quotes about Love

Educreations or any audio recording app
Quotes about love
1 iPad for each pair of students

I showed students many of my favorite quotes about love, and asked them to choose their favorite ones and prepare to tell the others what the quotes meant, and why they like them so much. Students sat in pairs and had to negotiate to choose only one per pair. Students recorded their messages on Educreations. I showed students all the quotes and we chose the best one.

Collaborative Book about Pets

Young learners
1 iPad

The culminating activity in the unit is a letter students should write in reply to a child in a foreign country telling her about their pets. Students got photos from their own devices, brought from home, or drew their pets. They wrote a letter individually, I corrected them and had students working on their mistakes. I displayed all the posters on the wall and took pictures. I made a keynote presentation with all the pictures and conducted a debriefing activity in the following class. I was very happy to see how engaged they all were and how much they were interested in reading the letters and seeing all the pictures. Parents were happy to see the results and realize how much the children could read in English. I used the book as a way to review the language points before the test.

Digital Tasks Using iPads in Class

Young learners
1 Ipad
Native app - camera

I read Go Away Big Green Monster to my students as a warm up. Students drew a monster on the board as a big group. Each student was assigned the task of drawing a different body part, and I used my camera to record the video below. I sent the video to parents who provided me with very positive feedback and loved the way the children could use the video to revisit content.

Go Away Big Green Monster - A Collaborative Project Young Learners

Young learners
1 Ipad
Native app - camera

I read Go Away Big Green Monster to my students as a warm up. Students drew a monster on the board as a big group. Each student was assigned the task of drawing a different body part, and I used my camera to record the video below. I sent the video to parents who provided me with very positive feedback and loved the way the children could use the video to revisit content.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tangled - Practicing the Simple Present

Tangled is a sweet animation, and it has a great scene to contextualize the use of the present simple. I like the way this scene helps students understand that they are talking about her routine, and the tasks she has to carry out everyday. 

Simple present
Grammar practice

Discuss in groups
What is your favorite fairy tale?
Who is your favorite fairy tale princess?
What do you know about Rapunzel?
What does Rapunzel do everyday in her room in the tower? List as many activities as possible.

Watch the movie and check how many sentences on your list are in the movie scene. If you have more that 4 say BINGO!
eg. Rapunzel does the dishes everyday.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Writing: Describe an Experience That Taught You a Lesson

Puncuating adjective clauses

1. Discuss the questions.
What do you know about the American president Abraham Lincoln?
Have you seen the movie? Would you like to?
Have you ever heard one of his quotes?

2. Watch the scene and answer the following questions.

  • What lesson did the president try to teach the boys?
  • What was the last sentence the president told the young man?
  • Why did he change the last sentence in his telegram?

3. Take a look at the following adjective clauses and separate them into two categories. Restrictive - gives essential information and non-restrictive - gives additional information.

  • The person who the president wanted to communicate with was in a town far from Washington.
  • Abraham Lincoln, who faced many political issues, was a wise man.
  • While working at my first job, which was at the White House, I learned a lot.
  • The president got a letter that brought interesting news.

4. Many years later, one of the young man wrote a letter telling his children about an experience that taught him a lesson. Read it and correct  two errors in punctuating adjective clauses.

  While working at my first job, which was at the White House, I had a co-worker who took me with him to meet the president. The president had made some decisions and worried about the consequences the country would have to face. He asked me if I believed I was fitted to the time I was born. I insisted I was just a simple man, but the president who was a wise man taught me that wisdom was everywhere.
The president told me he had read a book, which explained a common notion. He also told me that he had never had too much of schooling, but he could remember things he had read. Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. The rule was simple and mathematical. President Lincoln, who was helping push the Thirteen Amendment, worked hard to end slavery in the United States because he knew that equality is fundamental.
 I now realize what he was trying to teach me. That an old mechanical law book, to which no one really pays attention to, might teach us that it is fair to begin with equality. The president changed the last sentence of his telegram, and he might have changed the course of events. This talk which I will never forget still pushes me to be wiser and seek lessons in everything that I come across with.

5. Think about an incident in your life that taught you a lesson. Write questions to help you generate ideas.
Who was involved?

6. Write about an experience that has taught you a lesson. Include details, using adjective clauses when possible.


While working at my first job, which was at the White House, I had a co-worker who took me with him to meet the president. The president had made some decisions, and he was worried about the consequences the country would have to face. He asked me if I believed I was fitted to the time I was born. I insisted I was just a simple man, but the president, who was a wise man, taught me that wisdom was everywhere.
The president told me he had read a book, which explained a common notion. He also told me that he had never had too much of schooling, but he could remember things he had read. Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. The rule was simple and mathematical. President Lincoln, who was helping push the Thirteen Amendment, worked hard to end slavery in the United States because he knew that equality is fundamental.
 I now realize what he was trying to teach me. That an old mechanical law book, to which no one really pays attention to, might teach us that it is fair to begin with equality. The president changed the last sentence of his telegram, and he might have changed the course of events. This talk, which I will never forget, still pushes me to be wiser and seek lessons in everything that I come across with.