
Sunday, May 19, 2013

White Lies - Warmer

Tenning lies
Adjective clauses

Ask your partner the following  questions.

When is it OK to tell a lie?
Have you ever told a lie to get out of trouble?
Have you ever lied to avoid hurting someone?
Who lies more? Men or Women?
Do you think white lies are ok? why is that?

II. Read the statements below about lying and decide if you agree with them and why.
1.Lying is part of everyday life.
2.Lying can avoid hurting others.
3.The most common lies that people tell are those in which they pretend to like something to avoid hurting others.
4.The most common lies that people tell are those in which they make up excuses to get out of trouble.
5.Lies destroy trust and create distance.
6.We live in a world in which we are often rewarded for telling lies and punished for telling the truth.
7.It`s difficult to spend a whole day without telling at least one lie.

III. How many movies about lying can you remember of? Watch one of the scenes below and describe it to your partner. Do not say the name of the movie. Can he guess what movie it is?

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